Bericht: a strongly build baby, a bit uprigth shoulder and still very loose front, a bit shoft pastern, well angulæated behind, promising scull, muzzle and bite, temperament ok, moves well from the site, but the front needs more mussle
Bericht: strongly build very promising puppy, good topline and tail, enough neck, a bit uprigth shoulder and strong angulated behind, well formed prommising head, with strong muzzle, good eyes and ears, moves well from the side, a bit week from the rear
Bericht: massive bones, angulation in balasnce still a bit week pasterns, well formed head, nice expressions, strong bite, good body volume, moves well from the site, good topline and tail, moves well from the site
Bericht: excellent type, good topline and tail, massive bone, angulation in balance, masculine head, good bite, well build muzzle with strong bite, a bit loose euýelipps, moves well, nice temperament, moves well
Bericht: enough type a bit long læoin, good topline and tail, angulation in ballance, masuline head, a bit loose skin, good bite, strong bone and good body volume, moves well from the site,
Bericht: massive bones, nice proportions, good topline, and tail, masculine head, nice expression, nice eyes and strong bite, well angulated behind, could have a bit more llead back of shoulders, moves well from the side a bit loose in front
Bericht: excellent type, massive bones and body volume, good topline and tail, angulation in balance, wellformed masculine head, bigger size ears, good eyes, wellfilled muzzle, good bite, moves well
Bericht: a msmaller size male, long in loin, well angulated behind, could have more laid up shoulder and more forechest, good scull, ears and eyes, good bite, and loose lips, a bit highth tail carriage, moves well from the side, but narrow behind
Bericht: massive male, goo9d bones, body and proportion, strong angulated behind, enough neck, well formed masculine, head, strong bite, and well filled muzzle, good eayes and ears, moves well from the site, a bit loose in front
Bericht: good size and proportions uprigth shoulder, enogh neck, very higth carried tail a bit strong andgulation behind, good scull, ears, eyes and bite, enogth bones and body, enogth movement a bit narrow behind
Bericht: excellent type, good topline and tail, strong bones, good body volume, well angulated, wellformed head, good ears, good eyes and bite, wellfilled muzzle, excellent movement, nice coat
Bericht: nine old veteran in good condition, a bit up rigth shoulders, well angulated behind, enough neck and body, good scull ears and eyes, good bite and bit missing pigmentation on the lips, enough movement a bit loose in the front
Bericht: excellent type, good toplinbe a bit higth tail carriage, well angulated, enough b one and body, wellformed head, bigger size ears, good eyes and type nice white and black color, moves well a bit high tail carriage,
Bericht: strong junior, in too heavy condition today, soft topline, too slope in croup, uprigth shoulder, enough neck, good scull eyes and ears, bite ok, white and black, couyld have a bit more black marking, all too heavy movement to day
Bericht: quite elegant smaller size, good topline and tail, nice overall balance, well angulated, well formed femininbe head, nice expression, good bite, could have a bit more bones, moves well from the side, a bit narrow behind,
Bericht: excellent type, good topline and tail, strong bones, well angulated, good scull, bigger size ears, good eyes, well build muzzle, strong bite, good body volume, moves well
Bericht: excerllent type, good topline and tailsett, strong bones, angulations in ballance, good body volume, well formed head, good ears eyes and bite, nice temperament, good color and coat, moves well
Bericht: strongly build bitch, good topline and tail, well angulated behind a, bit uprigth shoulder, good scull eyes and ears, moves well from the side but toing in inf ront
Bericht: massive bitch, with long loin, well angulated, could have a bit more forechest, enough scull, good ears and eyes, well filled muzzle, god bite, a bit heavy movement and narrow behind,
Bericht: good in type, strong bones, good toplinje and tail angulations in balance, well formed feminine, bigger size ears, nice balance, moves well from the site a bit narrow behind
Bericht: excellent type, strong bone, good body volume, good topline and tail, a bit long in loin, good scull, eyes and bite, well angulated, moves well
Bericht: excellenjt type good topline and tail, strong bones, good body volume angulations in balance, well formed head, good ears, eyes and bite, moves well from the side, toing in in front
Bericht: excellent type, good topline and tale,s trong bone well angulated, enough forechest, good body volume, strung scull, well filled muzzle, good eyes ears and bite, moves well
Bericht: excellent type, good topline a bit high tail carriage, well angulated behind a bit straigth ion fronbt, nice expression, good ears eyes and bite, nice white and black color, moves well from the site a bit loose in front
Bericht: strongly build bitch, long loin and a bit loose condition, strongly angulated behind, straigth in front, good scull eyes and, bigger size ears, enoguh movement from the side but cloth behind and a bit loose in front
Bericht: good size and proportions, well angulated behind,m good tail, enough neck, uprigth shoulder, could have more forechest, nice expression, good eyes and bite, not in best coat today, moves well from the side a bit loose in front and narrow behind
Bericht: good size and proportion, well angulated behind, a bit straigth in front, strong bones, good body, higth tail carriage, strong bones, well formed head, nice expression, well build muzzle, eyes ok, moves well